The snow was just too much resist! We took two days to play out in the snow, the first the snow was not good for making snowmen but the next day it snowed a lot and made for great snowballs, it was our first time to show Katelyn how to roll the snow to make a good snowman, and we are all proud of our efforts, even Cameron helped!
Katelyn loves to hang out with me while I get my hair and makeup done. She thought it would be fun to try a little on her. Don't you think she did a great job. Just about ten years to practice and she should be good to go. Not bad for four years old!
Needless to say these little kids have our heart completely! Cameron is talking so much and is very good at his actions to get you to understand what he wants. Of course he has the word NO! down really well. We spent the weekend ( Grandma always takes a few extra days) playing, laughing and marveling at how smart they are. Thanks for the great weekend. We just can't get enough and we miss them every day we are part. We love you all!